[BCMA] fancy furniture, creepy dolls, pocket watches and a very big stove

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Thu Feb 2 15:55:00 PST 2023

As part of our ongoing review of our collection the Vernon Museum is making available recently deaccessioned items. Please see the attached spreadsheet. The dolls listed are in very rough shape but the pocket watches are for the most part in excellent condition. The desk and cabinet are very fancy.  The stove is a full size vintage stove which was probably used by a wealthier family. If you are interested in any objects or have questions please contact me at Carolyn.ben at vernonmusuem.ca<mailto:Carolyn.ben at vernonmusuem.ca>. The costs associated with transferring the item will fall on the receiving organization.

Carolyn Ben (she/her)
Greater Vernon Museum & Archives
3009 - 32nd Avenue | Vernon, BC V1T 2L8
WE RESPECTFULLY ACKNOWLEDGE Greater Vernon Museum & Archives is located on the Ancestral, Traditional and Unceded Territory of the Okanagan Nation and the Syilx People.

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