[BCMA] facility use policies

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Wed Sep 28 14:44:13 PDT 2022

Hi everyone,


Our museum operates a community events space that we rent out to community users for all types of events from weddings to workshops, etc. The facility is not physically part of the museum, it is a separate offsite building that we manage. We have a robust rental policy that serves us well for all things related to the usage of the facility.


However, it was recently revealed that we do not have any policy around what types of events or user groups can or cannot use the facility. In this specific case a local anti-vaccination group wanted to use the facility for an event to present what our board and staff consider misleading misinformation about public health issues. We were concerned about the museum being affiliated with this. Thankfully, the group has since cancelled their booking, but at the time of their inquiry we did not have a policy that enabled us to deny them use of the facility. We were not sure whether we could even do so legally, without potential ramifications, but it definitely highlighted to us that we don’t have a specific policy in regards to the subject matter of events. 


I was wondering whether any organizations have faced a similar issue, either in regards to a situation similar to ours, or perhaps in a case where a group that projects hateful rhetoric towards other people (e.g. an anti-LGBTQ group) has tried to use your facility. What was the situation? What did you do? Do you have a written policy around this, and if so would you be willing to share a copy? 


Please do not send responses with opinions on vaccines, not the specific subject matter of this inquiry 😊     







Kira Westby, MA
Bulkley Valley Museum
1425 Main Street (PO Box 2615)
Smithers, British Columbia

Phone:  <tel:%28250%29%20847-5322> (250) 847-5322
Email:  <mailto:curator at bvmuseum.org> curator at bvmuseum.org 
Website:  <http://www.bvmuseum.org> www.bvmuseum.org 
Facebook:  <https://www.facebook.com/bulkleyvalleymuseum> facebook.com/bulkleyvalleymuseum
Twitter:  <https://twitter.com/BV_Museum> @BV_Museum 

Check out our collections online:  <http://search.bvmuseum.com/> search.bvmuseum.org



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