[BCMA] To mask or not to mask?

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Fri Mar 11 13:24:45 PST 2022

How we are currently responding to the relaxation of Mask Mandates here at the HMCS Alberni Museum and Memorial in Courtenay.  After much discussion and having very few incidents of unmasked visitors we have the following post on our social media and elsewhere.  We have one staff member who is immunocompromised and will continue to wear masks while on duty when visitors or patrons are present. We will still maintain the crowd limits and social distancing signage.  

at your service,

Lewis Bartholomew
Founder & Executive Director

mrbarth at alberniproject.org

HMCS ALBERNI Museum and Memorial
5-625 Cliffe Avenue
Courtenay BC

The Alberni Project Society
TAP Mobile Exhibit Bookings
65 Salsbury Road
Courtenay, BC Canada V9N9L7
BC Reg Society: S-0062206

k103museum at alberniproject.org

Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw the torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die we shall not sleep,
though poppies grow in Flanders Fields. 

Email is a non-secure form of communication and clients should not include any sensitive account information in any email to The Alberni Project. Le courriel n'est pas un mode de transmission securise et les clients doivent s'abstenir d'y inclure tout renseignement sensible sur leur compte dans toute communication electronique destinee a projet de Alberni. 

In the spirit of reconciliation, we recognize that HAMM and TAPS are on the traditional territory of the K’omoks First Nation.  Dans un esprit de réconciliation, nous reconnaissons que HAMM et TAPS se trouve sur te territoire traditionnel de la Première Nation K’omoks.

> On 10,Mar, 2022, at 4:56 PM, Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv <listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> With the latest health mandates update today, we at the Maritime Museum of BC in Victoria are wondering about what to do with our public mask policy… Do we keep it to ensure safety for all? Or, do we simply encourage it but not require it? 
> Since the trucker’s convoy started in late January, we have been dealing with unmasked, un-vaccinated individuals coming into our space and harassing our young staff and senior volunteers about our policy. We’ve had to close during Saturday afternoons due to the noise level from the streets (we are right downtown). We’ve been locking our front door, even during public hours, on Saturdays and asking to see masks and vaccine passports through the windowed doors before letting visitors in to try to keep our staff/volunteers safe from the harassment we’ve been experiencing (though we still had a harasser slip through when we opened the door to let someone out). And now, we’re facing the possibility of more vehicles coming into downtown Victoria every weekday starting next week.
> So with these latest mandate changes, we’re feeling like we’re caught between the choice of keeping our space as safe as we can and continue requiring masks and possibly inviting more harassment, or allowing masks to be optional to try to minimize the harassment we have been dealing with while compromising our safety protocols… 
> What is everyone else planning to do about masks? 
> Many thanks,
> Brittany
> --
> Brittany V. Vis, MLIS (she, her)
> Executive Director
> 250-385-4222 ext. 106
> Maritime Museum of British Columbia <http://mmbc.bc.ca/>
> The Maritime Museum of BC is on the territories of the lək̓ʷəŋən speaking peoples, specifically the Songhees and Esquimalt Nations, who have respected these lands and waters for thousands of years.
> <image003.jpg>
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