[BCMA] Does Your Museum Have Scouting Memorabilia?

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Thu Jul 21 15:47:40 PDT 2022

Hi everyone,

Our new "*Victoria Scout Museum*” which is located at 505 Marigold Road in
Victoria, is starting
to take shape, with a Grand Opening tentatively scheduled for February 2023
if all goes well.

In the meantime we have thousands of items to sort and catalogue in
preparation for displaying.

*What I was looking for however, were 2 things*:

1) to "*create a list of contacts*" of all those museums in BC that have
some sort of Scouting display,
    and if you are one of those museums, please contact me at the email
address below.

2) to identify whether or not you would be interested in some of our excess
items, (i.e. badges,
    uniforms, neckers, books etc.), or do you have any excess / unwanted
Scouting items that you
    would like to pass on to us.

Ron Bilinsky
Scouts Canada
Victoria Scout Museum
2338 Sunriver Way, Sooke BC V9Z 0Y4
Email ronbilinsky at shaw.ca
Phone 250-664-7048
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