[BCMA] Registration now OPEN! AABC distance education course "Introduction to Archival Practice" (April - June 2022)

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Tue Feb 1 07:46:00 PST 2022

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Registration is now open for the AABC distance education course
"Introduction to Archival Practice".

Using Laura Millar's award-winning publication "Archives: Principles and
Practices" (2nd edition), students will be introduced to archival
terminology & theory, best practices for managing archival records,
copyright & privacy, ethics, and preserving electronic records. This course
will benefit those who are new to archives, as well as staff or volunteers
working in libraries, museums, records management, local government,
administration, art galleries, or non-profit institutions that have
archival records in their holdings and would like to learn more about them.

Registration will be open Feb 1 - March 16 and the course runs April 4 -
June 13, 2022.

Course fee: AABC members: $350.00 (CAD); non-members $500.00 (CAD) plus the
cost of the course textbook.

For more information and links to register online, please visit the AABC
website at:


*AABC Anti-Racism Bursary*

The AABC Anti-Racism Bursary is now open for applications. A key action
item of the AABC Executive Committee’s commitment to anti-racism, the
bursary covers registration and textbook costs for one Indigenous, Black
and/or Person of Colour (IBPOC) per distance education course.

Bursary applications for "Introduction to Archival Practice" are due no
later than March 1, 2022.

For more information about the Bursary, please go *HERE


Lisa Glandt, MAS
Education and Advisory Services (EAS) Coordinator
Archives Association of British Columbia
aabc.advisor at aabc.ca
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