[BCMA] Personnel Policies

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Tue Sep 21 11:18:37 PDT 2021

Good Morning,

I hope this email reaches everyone well and that your summer season was
wonderful and productive! My name is Laura Love, I am the new Executive
Director at the Powell River Historical Museum and Archives in Powell River
and I am greatly enjoying my time on the Sunshine Coast. 


A part of what I am doing to continue building this museum to be the best
community museum not only for our visitors but for our staff, is making sure
that our personnel policies are up to date. I am wondering if you have
a Parental Leave or Maternal Leave policy or template that you would be
willing to share with us? 


If you are able please send me an email at lauralove at powellrivermuseum.ca
<mailto:lauralove at powellrivermuseum.ca>  or feel free to give me a call at


Thank you so much for everything, I look forward to hopefully meeting you.

Laura Love



Laura Love (she/her)

Executive Director 

Powell River Historical Museum & Archives

(604) 485-2222   <http://www.powellrivermuseum.ca/> www.powellrivermuseum.ca


The Powell River Historical Museum & Archives is located on the traditional
territories of the Tla'amin Nation and we extend our appreciation for the
opportunity to live, work and learn on this territory.


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