[BCMA] Proof of vaccination information for Museums, Galleries, Science Centres, Heritage Sites, and Indigenous Cultural Organizations - Sep 8, 2021

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Mon Sep 13 13:22:45 PDT 2021

Hi Jim,

The Golden Museum has put the mandate into place and chosen to use vaccine
passports, as we believe there is a chance that further expansion of this
system will take place. Instead of waiting until that happens, we felt it
would be easier to use them right from the get-go and not set up any room
for arguments or issues in the future.

So far there has been very little push back and the majority of people are
understanding. We do have a large sign on our door that is very visible and
anyone that isn't vaccinated or doesn't wish to support the vaccine
passport has a chance to leave before entering.

Our museum is on the smaller side and can only hold 10 people with safe
physical distancing, so we felt that this also kept our patrons safer.

Hopefully this information helps.

On Mon, Sep 13, 2021 at 1:41 PM Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv <
listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca> wrote:

> Hi, folks.  I am wondering if BC’s museums will proof of vaccination a
> requirement or not, given the option to do so?
> It would be good to have a sense of where the majority are headed with
> this.  I had assumed we would be included in the mandatory proof of
> vaccination requirement.  That said, I tried to summarize the arguments for
> and against - I suspect there are many more arguments on either side of
> this.
> *Arguments in favour of requiring proof of vaccination*
> - Requiring proof of vaccination will keep our people - volunteers,
> visitors, staff, board - safer because fewer infected people will visit the
> museum.
> - If we don't require proof, we may see more unvaccinated people come to
> the museum because they will have limited alternatives for places to go,
> increasing risk for our people.  This will include tourists from
> other provinces.
> - If we don't require proof. visitors who do value proof of vaccination
> and a safe environment may decide to not visit our museum.
> - We will be seen as responsible to our communities.  Museums are
> society's most trusted institutions.  People trust us to make good
> decisions on behalf of our greater communities.  Supporting public policy
> and requiring proof of vaccination to help stop the pandemic is in the
> community's interest.
> - The sooner more people are vaccinated, the sooner we will stop the
> roller coaster of pandemic waves and return to normal.  It is in our
> interest to stop the financial strain of future waves of infection.
> *Arguments against requiring proof of vaccination*
> - If Museums are not mandated to require proof, then the experts have
> obviously assessed risk of infection in museums to be low. We should trust
> their expertise.
> - Museums should be for as many people in the community as possible.  This
> includes people who choose not to vaccinate or are unable to get vaccinated.
> - Requiring proof of vaccination may cause us to have fewer visitors when
> we are very much in need of revenue after a poor year of visitation.
> - Requiring proof will set up our front desk staff for potentially
> difficult interactions with visitors who refuse to provide proof or try to
> set up an argument.
> - The rules for proof of vaccination are still quite hazy and
> implementation will be complex.  We will not have guidance for some time
> yet from the Province of BC on what acceptable out-of-province proof of
> vaccination will be.  This increases the potential for difficult
> interactions with visitors.
> Best
> Jim Cullen
> director.railway at telus.net
> Revelstoke Railway Heritage Society
> On Sep 10, 2021, at 5:06 PM, Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv <
> listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca> wrote:
> Hello all,
> We now have word from the Province - museums, galleries, and cultural
> organizations will *not *be required to check vaccine passports in the
> PHOs that take place on Monday, September 13th. We have updated our latest
> blog post with the most current information we have available:
> https://museum.bc.ca/vaccine-passport-update-september-8-2021/
> Please note that museums can choose to require vaccine passports and
> refuse entry to visitors who do not comply, but under the current orders,
> you are not required to. Please refer to our blog post and the Proof of
> Vaccination for Businesses page for up-to-date information on how this will
> impact workshops, rentals, and events.
> https://www2.gov.bc.ca/vaccinecard.html
> <https://www2.gov.bc.ca/vaccinecard.html>
> We will keep members updated as new information arises.
> Take care,
> Ryan
> *Ryan Hunt*
> Executive Director
> Pronouns: He/him To learn why pronouns are important, click here
> <https://equity.ubc.ca/resources/gender-diversity/pronouns/>
> The BC Museums Association office is located on the traditional, unceded
> lands of the Lekwungen <https://vimeo.com/275788251> peoples (Songhees
> and Xwsepsum Nations). We respect past, present, and future Indigenous
> stewards and recognize that we are uninvited guests on this territory.
> BC Museums Association || 675 Belleville Street  || Victoria, BC || V8W 9W2
> Direct: 250-884-0499 || Office: 250-356-5700  || www.museum.bc.ca
> Check out the BCMA's new online learning portal: www.museum.bc.ca
> <http://www.museum.bc.ca/>
> On Wed, Sep 8, 2021 at 10:55 PM Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv <
> listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca> wrote:
>> Proof of vaccination information for Museums, Galleries, Science Centres,
>> Heritage Sites, and Indigenous Cultural Organizations - Sep 8, 2021
>> <http://www.museum.bc.ca/>
>> Today the BCMA attended a meeting with the Province of BC led by Brian
>> Emerson, Assistant Deputy Provincial Health Officer, that shared updates on
>> how events, services and businesses are required to check a person's proof
>> of vaccination for access to their venue or space.
>> <http://www.museum.bc.ca/>
>> At this time, museums, galleries, science centres, heritage sites, and
>> Indigenous cultural organizations are not included in the list of places
>> where proof of vaccination is required for entry
>> <https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/covid-19/vaccine/proof/businesses>. However,
>> the Province is currently assessing if museums, and similar organizations,
>> should be added to this list. We hope to have a definitive ruling before
>> the end of the week.
>> <http://www.museum.bc.ca/>
>> What does this mean for museums?
>> <http://www.museum.bc.ca/>
>> Brain Emerson confirmed today that organizations not currently included
>> in the list of places where proof of vaccination is required for entry may
>> choose to require proof of vaccination from patrons. If it eases your
>> COVID-19 safety planning, you can choose to require proof of vaccination,
>> regardless of what is decided by the Provincial Health Officer (PHO).
>> <http://www.museum.bc.ca/>
>> The Province also noted that these new health orders are intended to
>> apply primarily to indoor experiences, if your site is primarily outside,
>> you will likely be exempt.
>> <http://www.museum.bc.ca/>
>> How Proof of Vaccination Will Work
>> <http://www.museum.bc.ca/>
>> Starting on September 13, 2021, the following organizations/businesses
>> <https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/covid-19/vaccine/proof/businesses>
>> will be required to check for proof of vaccination (please note, this list
>> is being updated regularly). From September 13 to 26, BC residents may
>> choose to use the paper records provided by vaccination sites as proof of
>> vaccination or choose to use their digital BC Vaccine Card
>> <https://www2.gov.bc.ca/vaccinecard.html#card>.
>> <http://www.museum.bc.ca/>
>> Starting September 13, organizations/businesses can download the BC
>> Vaccine Card Verifier app. The app is free to download and works on
>> smartphones and tablets.
>> <http://www.museum.bc.ca/>
>> It will be available on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
>> Operating requirements:
>>    - Apple iOS 11 or greater
>>    - Android 8.1 or greater
>>    - The device must have a camera
>> <http://www.museum.bc.ca/>
>> An internet connection is only required to download the app - once
>> downloaded, the app will work without an internet connection.
>> <http://www.museum.bc.ca/>
>> A walkthrough on using the app is available here:
>> https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/covid-19/vaccine/proof/businesses#app
>> <http://www.museum.bc.ca/>
>> After verifying proof of vaccination, you must also review ID. By
>> reviewing ID, you match the name listed on the BC Vaccine Card or other
>> form of proof of vaccination with the person you're verifying.
>> <http://www.museum.bc.ca/>
>> You don't need to check ID for youth aged 12 to 18. You can use your
>> discretion to determine if someone is between the ages of 12 to 18.
>> <http://www.museum.bc.ca/>
>> Accepted forms of valid government photo ID, for example:
>>    - B.C. driver's licence or BC Services Card
>>    - Passport
>> <http://www.museum.bc.ca/>
>> Some people may have their legal name on their vaccine card and a
>> preferred or common name on their ID. You may also ask for a secondary
>> piece of ID and use your discretion.
>> <http://www.museum.bc.ca/>
>> Verifying out-of-province proof of vaccination
>> <http://www.museum.bc.ca/>
>> You may have people who aren't from BC accessing your events, services
>> and businesses. They must follow the same requirements and provide proof of
>> vaccination and ID.
>> <http://www.museum.bc.ca/>
>> Follow the same 2 steps, verify proof of vaccination and review ID for a
>> name match.
>> <http://www.museum.bc.ca/>
>> People from other provinces or territories
>> <http://www.museum.bc.ca/>
>> People from other Canadian provinces or territories must show:
>>    - Provincially/territorially officially recognized vaccine record
>>    - Valid government photo ID
>>    - A printable document that includes all Canadian proof of
>>    vaccination records will be available soon, but a specific date has not
>>    been specified.
>> <http://www.museum.bc.ca/>
>> International visitors
>> <http://www.museum.bc.ca/>
>> International visitors must show:
>>    - Proof of vaccination they used to enter Canada (like ArriveCAN
>>    <https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/coronavirus-disease-covid-19/arrivecan.html>)
>>    - the BCMA is attempting to confirm what these documents look like.
>>    - Passport
>> <http://www.museum.bc.ca/>
>> Materials For Your Site
>> <http://www.museum.bc.ca/>
>> Printable materials (posters, reference guides, FAQs) are available here:
>> https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/covid-19/vaccine/proof/businesses#help
>> <http://www.museum.bc.ca/>
>> Based on the past 24 hours, it appears that new resources are being added
>> quickly, so it would be worth checking this site frequently over the coming
>> days.
>> <http://www.museum.bc.ca/>
>> Go2HR <https://www.go2hr.ca/> is working to create online training
>> materials (you might be interested in this script for RESPONDING TO
>> <https://www.go2hr.ca/training-education/scripts-responding-to-difficult-guest-situations-during-a-pandemic>)
>> and should have more details available soon.
>> <http://www.museum.bc.ca/>
>> Arts BC is offering a Legal Lunch & Learn: Returning to Work in the
>> Fourth Wave
>> <https://artsbc.org/events/#!event/2021/9/28/legal-lunch-learn-returning-to-work-in-the-fourth-wave>
>> on September 28th. Registration is available here:
>> https://artsbc.org/events/#!event/2021/9/28/legal-lunch-learn-returning-to-work-in-the-fourth-wave
>> <http://www.museum.bc.ca/>
>> The BCMA is offering a free webinar in partnership with Go2HR on
>> September 29th, Walking the Tightrope: Balancing Challenging Customer
>> Interactions with Positive Guest Experiences
>> <https://museum.bc.ca/event-list/?eid=52&instid=226>. Registration is
>> available here: https://museum.bc.ca/event-list/?eid=52&instid=226
>> <http://www.museum.bc.ca/>
>> Member Questions FAQs
>> <http://www.museum.bc.ca/>
>> The BCMA has received these questions from members and we will share
>> answers to the best of our current knowledge.
>> <http://www.museum.bc.ca/>
>>    - What guidance will be provided to organizations for how to check
>>    non-BC vaccine information?
>>    - Specific examples of how to check non-BC proof of vaccination are
>>       being developed by the Province and will be available here:
>>       https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/covid-19/vaccine/proof/businesses#out-of-province
>>       - What should museums do that don’t have stable internet
>>    connections or access to smartphones?
>>    - The checker app will not require a stable internet connection to
>>       work. Paper vaccine records can be checked until September 26th. However,
>>       it was said in the meeting, and we will share a link to written
>>       confirmation when available, that organizations can choose to visually
>>       check paper records of BC Vaccine Card alongside valid ID.
>>       - What should multi-use facilities do (i.e. shared museum/library
>>    spaces)?
>>    - We don’t have a firm answer at this point.
>>       - What support can we expect in terms of messaging, signage, etc.
>>    on this new regulation?
>>    - Support materials are available here (
>>       https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/covid-19/vaccine/proof/businesses#help)
>>       and more materials seem to be added regularly.
>>       - Will proof of vaccination be required to access public museums
>>    and galleries and related public/educational programs held indoors
>>    including talks, group tours, class visits, workshops, performances and
>>    stand-up opening receptions? (whether ticketed or free admission)
>>    - Currently, proof of vaccination is not required at:
>>       - Before and after school programs for K to 12 students
>>          - Student events and activities in K to 12 public and
>>          independent schools
>>          - Indoor organized events with less than 50 people, except
>>          adult sports
>>          - However, “Indoor organized group recreational classes and
>>       activities like pottery, art and choir” do require proof of
>>       vaccination.
>>       - We are seeking clarification on the difference between “indoor
>>          organized group recreational activities” and “indoor organized events.”
>> <http://www.museum.bc.ca/>
>> The BCMA is working with our partners in government to provide clear,
>> actionable information to our members and sector at large. We will
>> continue to share news and updates as they are made available. Working in
>> partnership with the Province and the PHO, we will all work to ensure that
>> our staff, volunteers, and community members continue to be as safe and
>> well-protected as possible during the COVID-19 pandemic.
>> <http://www.museum.bc.ca/>
>> If you have any questions, please contact us at bcma at museum.bc.ca.
>> <http://www.museum.bc.ca/>
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*Brittany Newman    **(She/Her**) *       Executive Director

Golden Museum and Archives
1302 11th Ave S, Golden BC, V0A 1H0
PO Box 992, Golden BC, V0A 1H0

T 250 344-5169    |   F 250 344-5169
museum.golden at gmail.com  <museum.golden at gmail.com>  |
Join us on: Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/museum.golden/>  |  Instagram

The Golden Museum and Archives operates on the territory of the Ktunaxa
Nation, shared by the Secwepmec Peoples, and home to the Metis Nation
Columbia River Society. We are grateful for the privilege to work and play
on their territory.
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