[BCMA] Honouring Orange Shirt Day – National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, September 30

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Wed Sep 15 10:04:35 PDT 2021

The BC Museums Association urges our members and Canadians from
coast-to-coast-to-coast to use September 30 as an opportunity to learn,
reflect, make connections, and take action in redressing more than 150
years of injustice.

To help support museums, galleries, and cultural organizations in taking
action to support truth and reconciliation on September 30th, we've
published a resource guide with a background on September 30/Orange Shirt
Day/National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, resources to help you plan
for the day in your institution, and details on how the BCMA plans to
recognize the day.

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