[BCMA] Fwd: Invitation to Attend VIRTUAL Charities Seminar November 17, 2021

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Wed Oct 27 08:00:00 PDT 2021

*You are cordially invited to attend our*
*Held by Video Conference for 2021!*

*Wednesday, November 17, 2021*
*9:30 AM to 11:30 AM*

invaluable source of information for your organization. Last year, we had
over 700 attendees from charities and not-for-profit organizations across
the province.  We are virtual for 2021, so you can attend in the comfort
and safety of your home!  Click below to register, and the web link to the
seminar will be emailed to you two days prior to the seminar date. *

*Where: *

Online ZOOM seminar
Web link will be emailed to you two days prior to the event.

*When: *

Wednesday, November 17, 2021
from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM PST

*Click Here to

Deadline for registration is
November 14, 2021.

If you would like to invite
someone else, please forward
this email to them.  *All guests *
*should register separately.*

* The Year in Review *
*- Michael Loewen, CPA, CA - Loewen Kruse*
Michael will speak on the overall financial performance of the charitable
sector during the past year, the challenges faced, and the strides made.
Michael will also speak on a recent CRA Interpretation affecting
not-for-profit organizations.
* CRA Compliance Updates and Pandemic Relief Opportunities *
*- Jonathan Gibson, CPA - Loewen Kruse*
Another unusual year has not prevented the Canada Revenue Agency from
issuing numerous updates to their compliance requirements. This session
will highlight key compliance changes, provide an update on COVID-19
subsidy audits, and review several funding opportunities from new recovery
* 2021 Accounting Standards Update and Review of Common Internal Control
Traps *
*- Curtis Braun, CPA - Loewen Kruse *
After providing a brief overview of the new accounting standard in effect
starting January 2022, this session will focus on a review of common
internal control traps at charities and not-for-profit organizations and
tips on how to address them.
* CRA's MyBA System *
*- Ben Buckingham -  DeJager Volkenant*
CRA has moved online: tips, tricks and a general overview of CRA's My
Business Account for charities and non-profits.
*The Disgruntled Member: Remedies Under the Societies Act*
- Charles DeJager - DeJager Volkenant
This workshop is intended to equip charities and non-profits to deal with
legal claims made against them by unhappy members, directors, and others
under the Societies Act. The topics covered will include the irregularities
remedy available under the old Society Act and the new oppression and
derivative action remedies found in the new Act. These new remedies are
based on for-profit corporate oppression / derivative action remedies.  The
workshop will examine how the courts have applied these new remedies in the
non-profit context.
* Employment Essentials: What's the Deal? *
*- Brayden Volkenant -  DeJager Volkenant*
Before your organization makes a new hire, updates policies, manages an
employee on medical leave, or considers a vaccination requirement, you need
to understand the basic terms of the employment relationship. This session
emphasizes the importance of understanding the deal before making any of
these important business decisions, as well as the importance of having the
deal in writing.
* Director Liability Issues *
*- Rhys Volkenant - DeJager Volkenant*
This session will cover issues related to director liability in non-profit
organizations, using the risk of COVID-related claims as a case study. We
will also examine insurance coverage, indemnities provided by societies,
and other ways to reduce potential risks.

*Door prize will be drawn!*
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