[BCMA] B.C.'s response to floods and mudslides

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Mon Nov 22 12:21:28 PST 2021

B.C. is taking action
<https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/natural-disaster/support/home> to help
people, businesses and infrastructure recover from floods and mudslides.

Travel and fuel restrictions
Temporary restrictions
on vehicle fuel (gas and diesel) purchases and travel in areas impacted by
flooding are in place to ensure the movement of essential goods and
services. The restriction is in place until December 1st.

If you are not operating an essential vehicle, you are limited to
purchasing 30 litres of fuel per trip to the gas station in these areas:

   - Lower Mainland (Vancouver to Hope)
   - Sea to Sky (Squamish to Pemberton)
   - Sunshine Coast
   - Gulf Islands
   - Vancouver Island

This may impact your site if you have field trips, programs or events
booked with visitors that may have challenges accessing, or limitations on,
fuel. School buses are essential vehicles and should have access to fuel.

There are currently restrictions on non-essential travel along severely
damaged highways. To learn more about essential travel on these highways click

Financial assistance in a disaster
After a disaster, the provincial government may declare the event eligible
for Disaster Financial Assistance (DFA). Once declared, the DFA program may
compensate applicants for essential uninsurable losses. To learn more click

The BCMA has put together a collection of Emergency Preparedness Resources
for Floods and Water Damage. You can view those here.


Lorenda Calvert
Programs Coordinator

Pronouns: she/her. To learn why pronouns are important, click here

The BC Museums Association office is located on the traditional, unceded
lands of the Lekwungen <https://vimeo.com/275788251> peoples (Songhees and
Xwsepsum Nations). We respect past, present, and future Indigenous stewards
and recognize that we are uninvited guests on this territory.

BC Museums Association || 675 Belleville Street  || Victoria, BC || V8W 9W2

museum.bc.ca <http://www.museum.bc.ca/>

*Roundup submissions are now open online! We now offer compensation to
contributors and are looking for articles about how you and your
institution are maintaining momentum! Find more details on our **website
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