[BCMA] AABC Archives Awareness Week and Social Media & Archives Roundtea (Nov. 17)

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Fri Nov 12 13:31:11 PST 2021


The AABC is looking forward to our annual Archives Awareness Week from Nov.
15-19, 2021. Stay tuned for more information!

We hope you will join us for our second informal "Roundtea" on the topic of
"Social Media & Archives" on Wed, Nov. 17 from 10:00-11:30am. We are
pleased to have Audrey McKinnon, a former CBC journalist and communications
professional, and Andréa Tarnawsky, Digital and Outreach Archivist at Simon
Fraser University Special Collections, and with experience using social
media and blogging for both the AABC and other organizations join us. We
will talk about tips and strategies for connecting through different media
platforms and how to promote and advocate for archives and the work we do. We
will have lots of time for questions and discussion!

*Registration details:*

While this event is free, participants are required to pre-register:

Registration deadline: Nov. 16, 2021 @ 5:00pm



Lisa Glandt, MAS
Education and Advisory Services (EAS) Coordinator
Archives Association of British Columbia
aabc.advisor at aabc.ca
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