[BCMA] Roedde House Museum Postcard Exhibit: Call for Submissions
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Mon May 31 15:56:41 PDT 2021
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Call for Submissions - Postcard Exhibition
The Roedde House Museum Exhibitions Committee is excited to announce a Call for Submissions for the upcoming 'Wish You Were Here' postcard exhibition this summer. We hope you'll take this opportunity to (temporarily) share your historic postcards with us and the community!
This exhibition celebrates print culture and the postcard as a visual and textual mode of communications in the previous centuries, and also connects to current conditions of distancing, restricted wanderlust, and correspondence. It is a medium of many intrigues: a window to a foreign world, a message laid bare for both the recipient and the mail carrier, a souvenir to be collected.
The Exhibitions Committee invites submissions of postcards to be displayed in the exhibit that dated from 1880-1930. The image does not need to be of a Canadian theme, only that it was collected, acquired, or circulated within Canada. As these postcards may be family heirlooms or collectors items, the Museum offers the choice for mailing in the postcard to the Museum for the physical exhibition within display cases or scanning the postcard to be exhibited in our digital supplement. We are interested not only in the form and style of the postcard, but also the stories they tell of the people who sent, received, and preserved them. All selected postcards will be on loan for the duration of the exhibit and returned to the owner at the end. The exhibit will run from June to September 2021.
Submissions for postcards are due by June 14 2021 to <mailto:Office at RoeddeHouse.org?subject=Call%20for%20Submissions> office at roeddehouse.org or via the <https://roeddehouse.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2ebe3256d92edf7590c9cbd77&id=bb54ebc3d2&e=6d34f10234> Google form ( <https://roeddehouse.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2ebe3256d92edf7590c9cbd77&id=db42b65c1d&e=6d34f10234> https://forms.gle/YqfRRosW3nMWG3U1A). In your submission please note:
* Name
* Organization (if applicable)
* Email Address
* Location
* Description of postcard
* Picture or scan of the front and back of the postcard
* Any stories connect to the postcard that you would like to share
* How you acquired the postcard
* Your preference for physical or digital display
Roedde House Museum will finalize selections by mid-June. If you have any questions, please email us at <mailto:Office at RoeddeHouse.org?subject=Call%20for%20Submissions> Office at RoeddeHouse.org
Roedde House Museum is a historic house museum that preserves late-Victorian Canadian cultural history as well as the legacy of the Roedde family and their bookbinding business. Situated on the unceded shared lands of the Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh, the Museum is a cherished venue in Vancouver for arts, culture, and public history programming. Learn more about us here: <https://roeddehouse.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2ebe3256d92edf7590c9cbd77&id=8a68406461&e=6d34f10234> https://www.roeddehouse.org/website/index.php/en/
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