[BCMA] Lower Mainland Curator Group - Reminder Invitation

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Tue May 25 16:49:49 PDT 2021

Calling all Curators, Exhibit Designers, Conservators and Researchers! Lower Mainland Curator Group is a group that organizes meet-ups by various organizations around the Lower Mainland to learn from the great work done at our museum locations. We all work hard for our exhibits – let’s share those lessons learned!

Reminder Invitation

Date: Wednesday, May 26th 2021
Time: 3-4:30pm
Topic: Virtual Exhibit Solutions

Don’t miss the first virtual meet-up of the Lower Mainland Curator Group! We will be hearing from presenters who have found innovative ways to adapt their exhibits online, as well as an overview of the Canada Cultural Spaces Fund. After all the presentations, there will be a group discussion and question period.

To access the meeting, please use the zoom link provided or email Mary Elizabeth at collections.assistant at vanmaritime.com<mailto:collections.assistant at vanmaritime.com> for further assistance.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 824 4017 9253
Passcode: 140226
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Passcode: 140226
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