[BCMA] 5pm PDT, May 17: Emerging Museum Professionals Invitation to Canada-Wide Community Meet Up

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Tue May 11 15:40:42 PDT 2021


I hope this finds you well and keeping safe. My name is Madeline and I am
the administrator of *Emerging Museum Professionals Canada*
<http://emppemcanada.wordpress.com> (EMP/PEM Canada for short to be
inclusive of our French translation).

We are a growing network of EMPs across Canada that was first founded on
Facebook as a group on April 14, 2021. Earlier this year, I took over as
administrator and recently presented a session in support of EMPs at the
2021 Canadian Museum Association Conference.

To help the Canadian EMP community organize and come together as one, I am
hosting a meet up using *Google Meet on Monday, May 17 at 8:00pm EST*. Here
is the link needed to join: *https://meet.google.com/wvr-ahmf-ayn
<https://meet.google.com/wvr-ahmf-ayn>* I have also attached an infographic
with all of the necessary information included.

I would be deeply grateful if you would please share this invitation with
your networks and strongly encourage emerging museum professionals in your
regions to join this meeting. I sincerely hope that EMP/PEM Canada will
continue to expand and create a strong community of mutual support for
emerging museum professionals across the country. Your assistance in
helping us achieve this goal is much appreciated.

Please let me know if you require further information, I would be glad to
hear from you.

Best regards,
Madeline Smolarz (she/her)

*Administrator / Administratrice*
*Emerging Museum Professionals /*
*Professionnels émergents des musées Canada*
emergingmuseproscan at gmail.com
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