[BCMA] Archives Association of BC (AABC) workshop/webinar/roundtable survey - your response requested!

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Sun May 9 21:55:12 PDT 2021

*please excuse cross-postings*

Hello colleagues!

I hope that this message finds you safe and healthy.

I am reaching out today with a brief survey that the AABC is sending out to
all members of our association along with "Archives 101: Archival Practice
for Indigenous Organizations" workshop participants, and our colleagues in
the BC museum and library profession. The goal of this survey is to
identify the training needs for archivists, cultural memory keepers, and
information professionals so that we can identity and prioritize workshop,
webinar and roundtable themes for 2021-2022 and beyond!

The AABC Education and Planning Survey has 10 questions and can be
completed in aprox. 5-7 minutes. The survey can be found here:

Please note that the survey will close on Friday, May 28 (5:00pm PST).

We appreciate your feedback and any comments that you are open to sharing
that will help improve our professional development opportunities and

If you have any questions about the survey, please do not hesitate to
contact me!



Lisa Glandt, MAS
Education and Advisory Services (EAS) Coordinator
Archives Association of British Columbia
aabc.advisor at aabc.ca
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