[BCMA] Fwd: SGM and Call for Nominations/AGE et Appel de mise en candidature

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Fri Mar 26 15:55:29 PDT 2021


Please find attached *an open letter concerning the Special General meeting
(SGM)/ Assemblée générale extraordinaire (AGE)*, as well as *an Call for
Nominations/Appel de mise en candidature. *

Please circulate the Letter to your networks and encourage them to attend
the SGM and nominate Candidates for the Board.

*SGM: *Next week all CMA Members will receive Notice of the *SGM, scheduled
for April 30, 2021*. We encourage you to attend and to invite your contacts
as well. We need your input as we prepare Resolutions and a Mandate Letter
for the CMA to ensure our Association listens to the concerns of members
and embodies our interests.

*Nominations: *Members can nominate candidates for the Board. *Nominations
must be sent by April 15, 2021 to Elka Weinstein*. As per Bylaw 6.1b, the
list of candidates nominated by the Members will be presented to the
Secretariat by April 17, 2021. According to Bylaw 6.5b, these names must be
presented to the AGM, along with the Slate proposed by the Nominating and
Governance Committee of the Board.

We need an inclusive and diverse Board that represents our membership from
coast to coast to coast. Please keep us informed of potential candidates,
and don't hesitate to contact us with any questions.

Thank you again for your participation and support. Nous vous remercions de
votre participation et votre appui.

Looking forward to the SGM. Au plaisir de vous voir bientôt.


Victoria Dickenson, PhD, FCMA, FLS
victoria.dickenson at gmail.com

Montreal is situated on the traditional territory of the Kanien’kehà:ka, a
place which has long served as a site of meeting and exchange amongst
nations. We recognize and respect the Kanien’kehà:ka as the traditional
custodians of the lands and waters on which we meet today.
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