[BCMA] charged semantics

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Wed Jun 16 10:05:49 PDT 2021

Hi Eileen,

When I attended the BCMA Conference a few years ago, there was a discussion
with a First Nations man who acted as a community liaison about the wording
of territorial acknowledgements. He told us that having "traditional" in
your territory acknowledgements suggests that the land is no longer theirs,
which is probably where that sentiment comes from. In addition, it was
suggested to us that we not use the term "unceded" either and instead focus
on acknowledging that it is still their land, and that our ancestors were
uninvited guests and therefore we are still visitors on their lands.

It took quite a while for us to come up with a land acknowledgement that we
felt comfortable with, and it continues to evolve here as we learn more
about these processes and the people who came before us.

Hopefully this helps. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any
questions about our processes or would like to discuss it further.

On Wed, Jun 16, 2021 at 10:48 AM Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv <
listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I hope you are well.
> Twice now, the Cranbrook History Museum has received comments on our use
> of the word 'traditional' when referring to 'traditions' of two separate
> Indigenous tribes.
> This was the last comment: "It still is Ktunaxa territory, traditional is
> past tense and means of erasure."
> Does anyone have thoughts and do you have references for them?
> I will acquiesce to and am happy to receive consultation from any
> Indigenous leader(s) in the field.
> Thank you!
> Eileen
> *Eileen Kosasih*
> Visitor Experience Coordinator
> Cranbrook History Centre
> info at cranbrookhistorycentre.com
> (250) 489-3918
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*Brittany Newman    **(She/Her**) *       Executive Director

Golden Museum and Archives
1302 11th Ave S, Golden BC, V0A 1H0
PO Box 992, Golden BC, V0A 1H0

T 250 344-5169    |   F 250 344-5169
museum.golden at gmail.com  <museum.golden at gmail.com>  |
Join us on: Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/museum.golden/>  |  Instagram

The Golden Museum and Archives operates on the territory of the Ktunaxa
Nation, shared by the Secwepmec Peoples. We are grateful for the privilege
to work and play on their territory.
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