[BCMA] Environmental Stewardship in Langley on Display at Museum

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Mon Aug 9 10:10:36 PDT 2021

Environmental Stewardship in Langley on Display at Museum

Langley, BC - People in Langley are working hard to strengthen ecosystems in our communities. As urban development continues, residents and organizations have stepped forward to support our valuable waterways and natural spaces. Several of these groups have partnered with Langley Centennial Museum in their latest exhibit, "Critical Care: Environmental Stewardship in Langley." These groups include Langley Environmental Partners Society (LEPS), Little Campbell Watershed Society, Yorkson Watershed Enhancement Society, Langley Field Naturalists, Glen Valley Watersheds Society, Nicomekl Enhancement Society, Salmon River Enhancement Society, Bertrand Creek Enhancement Society, and Climate Crisis Langley Action Partners.

Through independent action and organized efforts, many Langley residents are doing their part to preserve, protect, and enhance our local biodiversity. The new exhibit highlights this critical care being delivered every day in our communities, shining a spotlight on work that many residents may not be aware of. "There are so many ways to get involved, and the stewardship groups exhibiting here are active and can use your support," said Lisa Dreves, LEPS Stewardship Coordinator.

In addition to the local groups involved, a Tsawwassen documentary film maker is also participating. Jocelyn Demers is an independent producer and the owner of Monde Films, and his moving 2018 documentary "The Watershed Guardians of the Fraser River" is playing in the gallery alongside the current exhibit.

"From identifying your watershed on a map, watching a documentary, or playing the "Salmon Power" board game, there's many ways to learn more about our ecosystems and what is being done to support them," noted Kobi Christian, Arts & Heritage Curator. "We hope this exhibit inspires people to do what they can, where they can, to support our natural places. Every little bit helps."

LEPS will be setting up outside the museum on Saturday mornings in August to provide even more information, and connections to their work. Visit museum.tol.ca for more details and to book your visit, or contact 604.532.3536 or lcmbookings at tol.ca<mailto:lcmbookings at tol.ca>. The exhibit runs until October 3, 2021.
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