[BCMA] BC Museums Week 2021 Webinar: The Development of White Identity with Silvia Mangue Alene

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Fri Apr 30 09:34:43 PDT 2021

Monday, May 17th 12:00noon – 1:00pm PDT What is your ethnic background?
According to Dr. Beverly Daniel Tatum, many white people never really
considered their own racial and ethnic group membership. For them,
Whiteness was simply the unexamined norm. Because they represent the
societal norm, Whites can easily reach adulthood without thinking much
about their racial group. On the other hand, active exploration of what
means to be Black is an almost universal experience for Black adolescents
due to the encounters with racism they commonly have. The same is not true
for White adolescents. White may go unexplored because it just seems
normal. But when the individual goes through experiences that trigger an
active exploration of what it means to be white, a process of identity
development begins to unfold. This lecture explains how White people can
achieve a healthy sense of White identity. This presentation is a one-hour
lecture on The Development of White Identity. It addresses the process of
identity development specifically linked to an understanding of what it
means to be White in a race-conscious society.

*Register today * <https://museum.bc.ca/event-list/?eid=34>
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