[BCMA] Fwd: Fw: Our 25th Anniversary explorASIAN Festival Program Has Arrived!

Moderated BCMA subscriber listserv listserv at lists.museum.bc.ca
Fri Apr 16 12:30:26 PDT 2021

 Dear BC Museums Association friends,
Find below the program from the Vancouver Asian Heritage Month Society,
explorASIAN festival.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

*Leticia Sanchez, *



*caobalety at hotmail.com <caobalety at hotmail.com>*

*office.vahms at gmail.com <office.vahms at gmail.com>*

*www.explorasian.org <http://www.explorasian.org/>*

Facebook: /explorASIAN
<https://www.facebook.com/explorASIAN>Twitter:  *@explorasian
We are thrilled to present our 25th Anniversary explorASIAN Festival

explorASIAN's 25th Anniversary Festival Program
Download Here (PDF)
We are thrilled to share the arrival of our 25th Anniversary Festival
Program. We invite you to download, browse and share the complete guide
through the links above, where you will find 50+ Asian Heritage Month
virtual events and exhibitions presented by our various community partners.
We would like to thank the design team at *Daewon Solutions
for their tireless hard work, as well as our festival's major sponsors *Global
BC*, *CKNW 980*, *Telus*, * SFU David Lam Centre*, *Department of Canadian
Heritage, BC Arts Council *and the *City of Vancouver* for their generous
Register for Free
*MAY 1 - explorASIAN Festival Virtual Opening Ceremony*
Help us celebrate the opening of Asian Heritage Month in Canada and the
start of explorASIAN Festival's 25th Anniversary! On the evening of May
1st, landmarks such as *Vancouver City Hall, Science World, the Bloedel
Conservatory, *and *BC Place *will be illuminating their exteriors in red
to celebrate the occasion. Join us live on Zoom to celebrate with
performances from local Asian-Canadian Artists Vince Mai and Sujit Vaidya.
Register for Free

*APRIL 15 - Bird Tracks in the Air: Selected Poems of Wang Anshi*

The Canadian Society for Asian Arts and explorASIAN are presenting an
online launch of the publication: *Bird Tracks in the Air: Selected Poems
of Wang Anshi* by Professors Jan Walls and Yvonne Walls, who have edited
and translated poems of revered poet Wang Anshi. Illustrations by artist
Liu Lingling enhance the poetry.

Wang Anshi (1021-1086) has always been known as a leading Song Dynasty
political reformer, and as one of the 'Eight Great Essayists of the Tang
and Song Periods' in China, but he was also a master composer of the
shorter Chinese verse forms. The program presents poems illustrating Wang's
various levels of awareness and enlightenment, from commemorating
conventional occasions to sharing a mystical awareness of the human

Jan Walls and Yvonne Walls are engaging speakers and renowned scholars of
Chinese language and literature. They have taught at the Universities of
British Columbia, Victoria and Simon Fraser in Canada and in the U.S. and
Japan. They have published extensively on Chinese art and literature, as
authors and translators.
Register for Free

*APRIL 21 - Oceans of Stories: National Canadian Film Day with VAHMS*
Join Sangeeta Wylie (playwright of *We the Same*, upcoming world premiere)
Mohammed Al-Saleh (speaker/advocate/resettled Syrian refugee), Hannah
Temple (Truong, former Vietnamese refugee) and Patricia Woroch (VAHMS
Director and ISSofBC Chief Executive Officer) with moderator Jasper Yip
(VAHMS Coordinator) for a conversation about the importance of sharing
refugee stories, the commonalities we share, and how the arts can transform
our understanding of each other. Immediately to follow, VAHMS will be
presenting a special virtual screening of *Continuous Journey* in
partnership with Reel Canada.

*4:30pm Panel  //  5:15pm Screening*
Click to Contribute
Thanks to the generosity of our early contributors, our 25th Anniversary
Fundraiser is already 23% funded! We cannot thank our contributors enough
for pledging their support as we enter our second virtual festival. If you
are in a position to contribute, our campaign will be live until June 11th,
the day after our Virtual Recognition Awards Ceremony. Thank you for your
ongoing support of the Vancouver Asian Heritage Month Society and
explorASIAN Festival.
Find Out More
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*Stay in touch:*
office.vahms at gmail.com
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